Hakim Bellamy
Former Albuquerque poet laureate and cultural activist wraps up the 2024 Festival with a “Weekend Reflection.”
The Lost City of We
After Anne Lamott 😉
“For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet or excite you. Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die.” - Bird by Bird
these small, flat, rigid squares of paper
may never amount
to so much as a dollar
may never appreciate
to the level of economic fiction
that conscripts everyone under the sound of my voice
to agree
that money is green
these small, flat, rigid squares of paper are different
more like some sort of social contract
scribbled and scratched to ourselves in moments of solitude
that only become binding
upon being shared
a different kind of currency
this circulation of loose leaf lessons that leave us bonded
practitioners of this age old tradition
of accounting for one another
in verbs
reading. writing.
listening. languaging.
pouring our problems into pages
one bible at a time
like some sort of patchwork prayer chain
this endlessly cumulative remission
of missives our compulsive littering
of letters across present
and presently non-existent landscapes
the audacity with which we pile
the breadcrumbs of these gently creased
buried treasure maps
is nothing short of astonishing
this cult of curiosity
well known for its breathtaking innocence
and sometimes self-destructive vulnerability
with the nerve to try and write the thing
that our 9 year-old selves needed to read
to cure us of this relentlessly cyclical affliction
with the human condition
perhaps even put us in our place
in history
and so we write
like it’s going out of style
and it is
our demand for documenting and designing the human experience
will never die
it’s in our very DNA to be read
a room full of messenger RNA
on the hunt for the perfect set of vowels
desperately trying to string ourselves together
taut as a fishing wire of broken codes
taking turns publishing these ransom notes for the soul
in ruby red lipstick
on the other side of a looking glass
facing a 15 year-old we may never ever know
this gift
an ability to publish portals
to dimensions that exist
just beyond the spine of the spread
petroglyphs to the past
reminded we have so much more to give up
than just our ghosts
these small, flat, rigid squares of paper
adding black and white detail to god’s green earth
shadows y todo
attempting to offer substantive edits
to this next chapter of the divine
our medium is flesh and bone
our canvas
stardust, synapse and soul
for better or for worse
part riddle, part parable
occasionally attempting to unerase
the parts of humankind
that we are most ashamed of
these small, flat, rigid squares of paper
a rebellion to apathy
furiously documenting the conflict inside us
at our best a proliferation of selflessness
an emptying ourselves into one another
waging our imagination
as the engine of our creation
and treating everything
done with love
as a sacrament
these small, flat, rigid squares of paper
that find us
underneath your kitchen table
that routinely doubles as a writing nook
eavesdropping to the mixtape of one another’s pulse
as it pumps voluminous through our pens
producing future histories
where all our agents are angels
where our cups overfloweth with ink
where we unmurder our women
and find an appropriate place to put all this light that fills us.
where our superpower
is the ability to write around ourselves
instead of about ourselves
and through all the uncooperative obstacles in our lives
where we see one another through microscopes
instead of telescopes
as celestial bodies on a cellular level
and leave something that will outlast us
unlike these earthly friendships
these small, flat, rigid squares of paper
a full on migration
beyond the borders of the unimaginable
desperately trying to communicate the parts of our lives
that are impossible to publish
the blank page staring back at us
daring us to become
is still on record as the hardest thing
that we’ve ever done
but we practice
hurricane whisperers throwing ourselves at any wall that will listen
in an attempt to conquer the intimacy of our innate isolation
so instead we build build bridges
out of books
shroud ourselves in letters
because we’d rather render ourselves nude
than transparent before the masses
obliterating the limits of what we previously allowed ourselves to perceive
a generation of writers
who wrote their way out of closets
in which our children are now forced to read
but we
will continue to fill this apothecary of care
with these prodigal prescriptions
less mortar than pencil
an ancestral magic of crowd-sourced memory making
every ISBN an entry in this
cookbook encyclopedia
of spell
crowdfunding the collective imagination
that makes this invocation of self barely plausible
this bearing of witness to one another
that is an affront to the very notion
that we are simply born with a pre-ordained budget
of birthdays, breaths and heartbeats
that surely quicken our demise when expended irresponsibly
rather we find hope
in the ordinariness of “we”
the same we
who will spend an embarrassing amount of words
on the ones we love
with prodigal extravagance
wordsmithing worlds
where we are known to make it rain
or not…
spending time bending time
in half
in the futile hope
that we can string together
that unique sequence of consonants and vowels
to unscramble the launch code of ourselves
diffused… by these
small, flat, rigid squares of paper
in peace.
© Hakim Bellamy May 19, 2024